Monday 10 August 2015

10 August

Dear Friend,
I hope you have been well, despite the cold weather. Because I don't know you all that well, I might as well say that, its winter here in Australia. Its freezing, but it hasn't snowed. I have seen snow twice. I must say, it is the most amazing thing in the world. Other than food of course.

So, my weekend played out very normal, you might say. By normal, I mean my family normal. Which isn't very normal at all. I will say though, this weekend has been very weird. The amount of teachers I had seen in those few hours I was out was a ridiculous. I saw fifteen of my teachers in two days. I wasn't even at school!

My mum is a teacher, so we have to ovoid many people in places because she doesn't like seeing all of the people she teachers. 

Anyhow. Its the beginning of a new week now, right? Yay, not. I assume that you have felt that you just don't want to go to school before? If you haven't, I am highly envious of you. I must say though, I am highly proud of myself at this moment. I just finished my RE project and it looks amazing. By amazing I mean a piece of plan white paper with black words all over it. Gonna hand that into the teacher with a big smile on my face.

I have this completely weird idea, which I just thought of. Every letter I send you, I will send you a fact about myself. It might sound stupid, but it should give you an idea about who I am and stuff. Feel free to tell me about yourself as well.

A change of topic-
In humanities at school, we have started our new subject, the Black Death. To be 100% honest, I think that my teachers wishes some of the guys in my class would catch the Black Death. To be 100% honest again, I think most of my class would agree with this idea. 

I probably should get going now. My mum is nagging me to go and have a shower, but I don't know why I am telling you this. 

My fact about me today is. . . its harder than I thought it would be. Well. . . um. . . my favorite food in the whole wide world is Cantaloupe also known as Rock Melon. I can't eat it though because I am highly allergic to it. This makes me sad. Almost as sad as me dropping a piece of chocolate cake at school today. That made me sad.

Keep safe and keep warm. I'll talk to you soon,

Love always,

Friday 7 August 2015

7 August

Dear Friend,
I hope you are well wherever you may be be at this point. I also hope that you can listen to me and my thoughts with care. So you know, I would always be happy to listen to yours. Anytime, Anywhere.

I hope we become great friends.

My life is as interesting as it is simple. My daily life begins by getting up at some ridiculous hour of the morning so i can get on the bus. I catch that bus to a bus interchange, where I get onto another bus which takes me to school. My friends whilst at school will go on about the latest you tube video, which I will never search up.

I, unlike the others, will eat and at the end of the day I will get on a bus to the interchange then get onto the next bus that will take me home. 
( Repeat five days a week. )

Anyhow, you may be wondering why I started this way of communicating/blogging/typing/whatever you want to call it?

Well, I need somewhere I can tell you my thoughts and hope that you might have some advice for the complicated life of a teenage girl in this century. Trying to keep up with the endless social media and mood swings of a bunch of crazy girls is harder then it may seem. Sometimes a little advice can go a long way if you get what I mean.

Anyhow. Where ever you may be, I hope you are well and are enjoying the evening.

Love always,